Data Analysis Using Python

About the Course

20 Hours

12 Modules

2 Assessments

20 Hours

725 Subscribers

3 Handouts

About the Course

20 Hours

12 Modules

2 Assessments

20 Hours

725 Subscribers

3 Handouts


This module will guide the candidate with the knowledge of Analytics. Learn about the different roles in Analytics. Know about the tools and techniques in Analytics. Gain knowledge about Data Science, Data Mining, Statistics, machine learning, and more. Learn about the CRISP Modeling Framework.

  • 1.1 What is Analytics (BI, BA, Levels, etc)
  • 1.2 Why Analytics (Appl in various domains
  • 1.3 Different Roles in Analytics
  • 1.4 Tools and Techniques in Analytics
  • 1.5 Data Science, Data Mining, Statistics, Machine Learning, Su
  • 1.6 CRISP Modeling Framework
  • 1.7 Scales of Measurements
This module will help the candidate to gain knowledge about the Python Environment. Learn about Anaconda setup and various IDEs, GIT, and more. Create and Manage Analytics/ML Projects
  • 2.1 Anaconda – Download & Setup
  • 2.2 IDEs – Jupyter, Spyder, PyCharm
  • 2.3 Git – Setup and Configuration with IDEs
  • 2.4 Creating and Managing Analytics/ ML Projects
This module will help the candidate with knowledge of basic programming and data structures. Gain extensive knowledge about Libraries, NumPy, pandas, Matplotib
  • 3.1 Basic Data Structures & Programming Constructs
  • 3.2 Libraries
  • 3.3 Numpy
  • 3.4 Pandas
  • 3.5 Matplotlib
This module will guide the candidate with the knowledge of Data Processing, Data Manipulation, and Descriptive summary. Know about Group summaries, crosstab, pivot, reshape data and manage missing values. Learn to manage indexes in Pandas, Scaling of data, and more
  • 4.1 Pre Processing Data
  • 4.2 Group Summaries
  • 4.3 Crosstab, Pivot and Reshape data
  • 4.4 Managing Missing Values
  • 4.5 Outliers Detection
  • 4.6 Various types of Joins, merge
  • 4.7 Managing indexes in pandas
  • 4.8 Partitioning data into train and test set
  • 4.9 Scaling of Data (useful for Clustering)
This module will guide the candidate through the basics of statistics in Business Analytics. Learn extensively about Hypothesis testing, Probability distribution, and Sampling Techniques
  • 5.1 Basic Statistics (mean, median, mode)
  • 5.2 Other Statistics (sd, var, quantile, skewness, kurtosis)
  • 5.3 Hypothesis Tests (t-test, Chi-sq tests, etc)
  • 5.4 Probability Distributions (normal, binomial, etc)
  • 5.5 Sampling Techniques

This module will guide you through the techniques of Graphical Representation of Data. Learn about the selection of graphs and types of graphs. Manage plot parameters and advanced graphs such as correlations, heatmap, mosaic, and more

  • 6.1 Selection of Graph
  • 6.2 Basic Graphs (histogram, barplot, boxplot, pie, etc)
  • 6.3 Libraries (matplotlib, seaborn, plotline)
  • 6.4 Managing plot parameters(size, title, axis, legend, etc)
  • 6.5 Advanced Graphs (correlation, heatmap, mosaic, etc)
  • 6.6 Exporting graphs

This module will guide you through the basic understanding of modeling techniques and Linear Regression. Know about multiple linear regression and its libraries. Learn the metrics of Linear Regressions and its application & assumptions

  • 7.1 Modeling Techniques
  • 7.2 Simple Linear Regression
  • 7.3 Multiple Linear Regression
  • 7.4 Libraries – sklearn, statsmodel
  • 7.5 Predict DV on IVs
  • 7.6 Metrics of Linear Regression(R2, RMSE, p-values)
  • 7.7 Applications of Linear Regression
  • 7.8 Assumptions of Linear Regression

This module will guide the learner with knowledge of Logistic Regression. Know the metrics of logistic regression. Predict the probability of DV on IV. Know extensively about applications of Logistic regression

  • 8.1 Difference between Linear and Logistic
  • 8.2 Logistic Regression
  • 8.3 Metrics of Logistic Regression (confusion matrix, ROC curve
  • 8.4 Predict the probability of DV on IV
  • 8.5 Applications of Logistic Regression

This module will guide the candidate with the knowledge of classification in Financial Analytics. Understand the tree from the plot and know about the classification tree. Learn to improve tree accuracy using random forests. Know the applications of decision tree, KNN, Neural Networks, SVM, and more

  • 9.1 Difference between classification and regression decision t
  • 9.2 Understanding tree from the plot
  • 9.3 Classification Tree – predict class, plot, accuracy
  • 9.4 Regression Tree – predict numerical value, plot, RMSE
  • 9.5 Improving tree accuracy using Random Forests
  • 9.6 Bagging and Boosting
  • 9.7 Applications of Decision Tree
  • 9.8 KNN (k-nearest neighbors)
  • 9.9 Neural Networks
  • 9.10 Gradient Descent
  • 9.11 SVM (Support Vector Machine)

This module will guide you through the knowledge of Cluster Analysis. Know about the Clustering for grouping data and its types. Learn about extracting data in clusters and application of clustering

  • 10.1 Clustering for Grouping Data
  • 10.2 Types – Hierarchical & Non-Hierarchical
  • 10.3 K Means – output metrics (iter, error, plot)
  • 10.4 Hierarchical (Agglomerative & Divisive) – Dendrogram, Visu
  • 10.5 Extracting the data in clusters, Cluster Centers
  • 10.6 Applications of Clustering

This module will guide you through the knowledge of the Association Rule analysis. Learn to apply AR to the grocery store for market basket analysis. Know about the frequent Itemsets and rules and application of AR

  • 11.1 Applying AR to the grocery store for Market Basket Analysi
  • 11.2 Metrics- Support, Confidence, Lift
  • 11.3 Frequent Itemsets and Rules; Filtering rules
  • 11.4 Applications of AR
  • 12.1 Managing Unstructured Data; Unstructured to Structured Dat

This module will guide the candidate through the understanding of Text Mining. Manage unstructured data and extract tweets from Twitter and words for sentiment analysis. Know the application of text mining

  • 12.1 Managing Unstructured Data; Unstructured to Structured Dat
  • 12.2 Extracting Tweets from Twitter
  • 12.3 Extracting words for Sentiment Analysis
  • 12.4 Wordcloud to visualize the frequency of occurrence of word
  • 12.5 Applications of Text Mining

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Enrolling in Tutedude has been a game-changer for my professional development. Their comprehensive courses in data analysis, visualization, deep learning, and advanced Python tools offer flexibility, real-time doubt-solving, and lifetime access. It's the perfect solution for a busy professional like me, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to upgrade their skills.

Rudra Kumar

It's fantastic to hear that the course provided you with a solid starting point in data science, even with minimal prior experience. While it may have lacked technical depth, its descriptive approach and well-presented videos, coupled with live one-on-one doubt-solving sessions and mentorship, made it a valuable learning experience.

Krishna kumar

It's wonderful to hear that you took the initiative to learn data science at your own pace with Edunetra and that it has broadened your outlook on data and opened up new opportunities for you in the field. Switching to a high-paying job with the right skills is a great achievement. Congratulations on your career progress!

Vikash Kumar

Course FAQs

No, prior experience is not required. The course caters to learners of all levels, including beginners.

You will need access to Python Desktop, which can be downloaded as a trial version from Python’s official website

By completing this course, you’ll gain enhanced data visualisation skills, making you a valuable asset in the job market. Employers increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making, and your ability to create impactful visualisations will set you apart from competitors and open doors to new career opportunities.

Absolutely! The advanced data analysis techniques and practical experience gained through the course will empower you to make informed decisions and provide valuable insights for your organisation. This can lead to career advancement opportunities within your current job.

Yes, Python proficiency is highly sought after by employers across various industries. The ability to analyse data and present compelling visual narratives is a valuable skill that organisations look for in professionals to drive data-driven growth.

Yes, the Python Mastery Course incorporates real-world use cases, including scenarios from HR. You’ll gain industry-relevant knowledge and practical skills to tackle data challenges specific to these sectors.

Upon completing the payment process, you will receive an email confirmation from our team within 5 minutes. Then, you can use your login credentials to access the course on the Dashboard, where you can learn at your own pace and convenience.

Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion, which you can download from your Dashboard.


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